The lens is twice as sharp, the processor twice as fast, the chip twice as big. There’s auto white balance, a mike input, HDMI out. The list goes on and on…
So it doesn’t have manual exposure, so the optional viewfinder is widgey, and the video is a low 15 mbits/s – the fact is, the images I’m getting match those of HD cameras costing twenty times more.
When Flip was zapped by Cisco, I bought a GoPro. I took it with me while I was shooting a 30 sec. TV spot. And guess what? 50% of the shots in the commercial are from that day-one GoPro.
Since then, I regularly use GoPro as a third, behind the speaker, camera. No one notices it and it gives me the important, reverse angle coverage I need.
GoPro records in 4 GB chunks. That means, every 30 minutes I lose sync with the other cams in the set-up. Used to be a drag in editing but now with FCP updated to 10.0.3, I can sync. up automatically. Check “Use Audio for Synchronization.” Bingo – instant sync..
If I have one gripe with GoPro, it’s the lens, it’s just too wide.
The new HERO2 now has three 1080p fields of views – 170º, 127º and wonder of wonders (‘cause it’s nowhere in the printed user manual) a 90º FOV called “narrow”. Narrow? 90º is narrow? In my 16mm filmmaking days, I had an Angenieux, 5.9 mm and I loved it – my favorite lens, it gave me a wide, wide, 90º at F1.8. Now the bad news…
GoPro’s 90º “narrow” is a big disappointment. The GoPro folk say it’s not digital zoom; you lose no quality – hmmm… Outdoors, it’s OK but inside: a flop – with a ton of video noise. Big disappointment, but there IS a solution – read on…
GoPro’s aftermarket has a collection of alternative lenses. Bang goes you GoPro warranty – a sacrifice I am prepared to make.
I buy a $99.99 4mm lens – it’s 90º – from the curiously named, To my surprise, it’s shaper and better than HERO2’s narrow view and there’s no video noise. It’s like having my old Angenieux 5.9 mm back again. Come to daddy…
Inspired by the 4mm – I invest in a 2.8 mm to 12 mm varifocal lens. It goes from a wide 135º to a tight 28º. Not a zoom, as you need to carefully re-focus each time you change the field of view. To focus, I use an Ikan VX9e HD monitor looking at Hero’s HDMI output. If you can live with twitchy, pernickety focus, I recommend the varifocal.
RageCam and others have many more screw-in lenses for GoPro. They say the 50mm lens (7.8º ) is “ideal for capturing licenses plate numbers at 100 away.” Now why would you want to do that?
We all know that GoPro comes in a waterproof case – great for surfers, skiers and dirt trackers. But use it underwater and the picture goes soft and fuzzy. GoPro specialist, solves that with a $99 flat lens housing.
The Discovery Channel used it, riding on the fin of a shark.
I’m glad I asked that question. Here are just three answers:
I’m in Washington shooting Peter Meyers delivering his “High Performance” lectures. One of my Sony HDVs is locked off on a wide shot. I’m operating my second Sony – the close-up one – and little GoPro is filming its little heart out siting there on the mantle piece. It’s so small you really don’t notice it.
So you spent $6,000+ on a “real” camera, well for less than $3,000 you can buy ten GoPros. Crazy – no? Can you imagine a wedding shot with ten cameras? Top shots, reverse angles, friends and relations, close-ups at the altar. These days multi-cam is a cinch to edit. You have the tools. Do it!
Think ten is OTT? Think again: here’s a video shot by GoPro themselves using 12 cameras – maybe many more, as it was shot in 3D.
Heavy cameras need heavy tripods. The GoPro is so light, you can hang it from a party helium balloon. I fix mine to 12 ft. 5/8th aluminum tubing for top shots.
My big thrill is a new Steadicam Smoothee (who thinks of these awful names?). I bought mine from for $149.88.
In past life, I owned a Steadicam Jr. for my Sony PD150. It just didn’t work. Perhaps the camera was too heavy – I don’t know. I practiced for days and got nowhere. When I moved to the States, it didn’t.
The GoPro/Smoothee package is a different experience. Adjust with two simple balance controls, an hour of practice and you’ll be making Hollywood-style Steadicam shots.
Picture your next wedding shoot – ten cameras in the church and you with a HERO2 on a Steadicam Smoothee (if I have to type Smoothee again, I’ll throw up).
I’ve saved the OMG aftermarket gadget ‘til last. Drop everything, run to and buy the 3-axis camera gimbal mount. They sell the four piece fabricated cage – then buy three MKS470 servos from See the GoPro gimbal video on YouTube and be blown away. With this gismo you can pan, tilt and roll remotely. has wireless transmitters and remote stop/start devices. Go crazy…
Soon children, soon; GoPro’s WiFi BacPac and WiFi Remote are just around the corner. It’s been a fun trip. Enjoy the ride.
GoPro, étonne-moi.